ATM Card Request


ATM Card Request

ATM Card(s)

I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)

By signing, the undersigned request(s) the described services and agrees to the terms and conditions governing the services, including any fees and charges. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) disclosure.

Upon acceptance of this application, I/we agree to the following:

  1. I/we will not disclose my PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) or otherwise make it available to anyone not authorized to sign on my account.
  2. California Community Credit Union (CACCU) may terminate this agreement if:
    • a. I, or any authorized use of my PIN, breach this or any other agreement I have with CACCU.
    • b. CACCU has reason to believe there has been an unauthorized user of my PIN, or,
    • c. I, or any joint member of my account notify CACCU in writing that this agreement is cancelled, or,
    • d. Notification is made to CACCU of the loss or theft of this card or PIN number.
    • I understand that all terms and conditions associated with my share account or share draft account which are affected or assessed by ATM are incorporated into this agreement.
    • ATM service shall be subject to such charges as may be adopted by CACCU from time to time. Acceptance of this agreement authorizes CACCU to debit from my account any such charges.
    • ALL ATM deposits shall have a three-day hold and may be subject to longer holds (refer to the Your Ability to Withdraw Funds section of the Important Account Information for Our Members provided to you at the time of account opening).
    • CACCU shall not be liable for failure to honor the card due to improper use or card retrieval by an ATM.
    • CACCU reserves the right to amend this agreement in accordance with applicable laws, without restatement of the above terms.

I/we authorize CACCU to verify information as required and to review my credit, if necessary, to evaluate this application.

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Signature Certificate
Document name: ATM Card Request
lock iconUnique Document ID: a0fe420034003125b321c148f3f91ce10baada87
Timestamp Audit
September 27, 2021 3:40 pm PSTATM Card Request Uploaded by Adam McGee - [email protected] IP
November 28, 2021 10:31 pm PSTCalifornia Community Credit Union - [email protected] added by California Community Credit Union - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
November 10, 2022 1:13 pm PSTCalifornia Community Credit Union - [email protected] added by Adam McGee - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: